Intelligent Tutoring System in STEM Area

#Intelligent Tutoring Systems Development, #Nools (similar to javascript) programming
#STEM Education, #Front-end programming

Here display some intelligent tutoring systems in STEM domain (math, chemistry and biology) that you can play with. I built them as course projects in Personalized Online Learning. These intelligent tutoring systems demonstrate some features of adaptivity in problem-specific feedback, allowing multiple paths and mastery learning with skill and KC modeling.

Tutoring System 1:

Domain: Math/ Chemistry

This intelligent tutoring system aims at teaching students how to do dosage calculation for medicine.


The feature of this intelligent tutoring system is its ability of 1) calculating for students and 2) mass production.
1. Calculating for Students: This means when students type in a textInput box a formula such as 120*3, if the right answer is indeed 360, the tutor can do the calculation for the students and recognize this as correct answer. This function makes use of the AlgEval() algorithm inside CTAT.

2. Mass Production: This is a function made possible by Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT). This enables people to create multiple questions using the same interface components, same production rules, or .brd file. Only thing people need to do is to substitute the problem specific information in the excel form as shown below, in order to create multiple problem in the same nature.

How you can play with this tutor:

  1. Go to Tutor shop: [Tutorshop Website]
  2. Use the created username and password to log in

    Username: tutor1guest1

    Password: tutor

  3. Click “Run Problem Set” to start playing with the tutor.

Tutoring System 2:

Domain: Math

This is a rule-based cognitive tutor that guide users to do a little “magic” in math. You can easily calculate the square of any number ending in 5, no matter how big the number is.


How you can play with this tutor:

  1. Go to Tutor shop: [Tutorshop Website]
  2. Use the created username and password to log in

    Username: squaretutorguest1

    Password: square

  3. Click “Run Problem Set” to start playing with the tutor.

Tutoring System 3:

Domain: Math

This is a more sophisticated, rule-based cognitive tutor that decompose proportion problems into inner loops (steps), to guide learners extract information, use common multiple, use common factors, and compare options.

Using this tutoring system, it is possible to mass produce problem files with problem specific information, without changing the interface, to practice the same or similar KCs.


How you can play with this tutor:

  1. Go to Tutor shop: [Tutorshop Website]
  2. Use the created username and password to log in

    Username: ProportionTutorGuest1

    Password: proportion

  3. Click “Run Problem Set” to start playing with the tutor.

Tutoring System 4:

Domain: Biology

This is an interesting rule-based tutor that teach students about Mendelian principles of genetic transmission. This tutor guide students to deduct the genotype of each strain based on the proportion of offspring, coming from each cross between two strains (self-cross accepted).

Special feature about this tutor is that it will force students to make all deduction about the genetype, be it partial conclusion or final conclusion about the strains involved in last round of crossing, before carrying on to the next round of crossing.


How you can play with this tutor:

  1. Go to Tutor shop: [Tutorshop Website]
  2. Use the created username and password to log in

    Username: GeneGuest

    Password: gene

  3. Click “Run Problem Set” to start playing with the tutor.